September 3, 2014

My Pampers Babies Have Moves - Do Yours?

I could have danced all night,
I could have danced all night,
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings,
And done a thousand things,
I've never done before.
~My Fair Lady

My kids have never seen this movie or play but I think it's about time I remedy that because they love to dance!

At our house we dance in all sorts of places - home, the car, at the park - for all sorts of reasons - good grades, going poo on the potty, sleeping through the night, and just because we can. Dancing is a fun family activity that we enjoy doing and something that helps keep us fit. As a youth, dancing was one of my very favorite things to do. Ballroom class was the highlight of my week and something I still enjoy.

Now however, there is one thing that I have found that is even better than dancing - sleep. That is why this week I have been very excited that my kids have been sleeping through the night thanks to Pampers Baby Dry diapers. I have been missing my full nights of sleep since long before baby G was born and now, when even she is starting to sleep for longer stretches, I am very much enjoying feeling well rested. 

Today I am excited to be able to share this gift of sleep with one lucky mom. That's right, Pampers is giving one Kerrific reader a perfect prize package to help make sure their baby sleeps well and ready to dance in the morning. (Make sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter and tell them thanks!) To enter simply fill out the form below. Good luck!

This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers. 
I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.


  1. My granddaughter loves to move to music. She is just 10 months old but boogie downs when she hears music.

  2. My babies start dancing when they hear the music.

  3. fave commercials and/or anytime some music comes on

  4. Whenever she hears a great dance song on the music channels, on TV

  5. During the music that plays on tv commercial. ;)

  6. Whenever they hear music, whether it's on the radio, tv, or toys!!

  7. Whenever she hears music. Doesn't matter where we are

  8. Whenever Doc McStuffins comes on!

  9. Whenever fun music comes on.

  10. My baby boy is most active in the morning and loves jumping in his jumparoo

  11. We sing and she shows off her moves as she is standing or cruising along the couch.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  12. Kalen just started to show a few moves. he rarely dances. Brad has his few moves down pat. if he sees others dancing, he will join in too

  13. In the car when the music is playing and in the morning time.
