April 27, 2015

Snuggles with Baby #UltraHug

There is nothing more special then spending time with your little one. I can't tell you how often I have looked at my older children and wondered where the time has gone. I wish I could make them small and cuddle with them again. Thankfully we live in an age where we can preserve these memories with photos.

Now I'm not the best at photography, but I still have a ton of really fun photos to remember my kids and our fun times with. The only way I generally get in the photos is if we're taking selfies, an experience in itself. As my photos scroll through on my screensaver I can see a whole line of great memories we have created as a family. We love to participate in activities together and there are so many great ones.

I've got photos of us at home, in the yard, at church, but one of my very favorites is this photo of the girls and I at the local Farmer's Market. This particular photo was taken just after baby G joined our family last summer. It was one of our first trips out and the kids and I had a blast at the market! For us the Farmer's Market is a great place to meet friends, try new things, and enjoy a sunny Saturday morning. My kids favorite part is always getting a free sample of popcorn. We also enjoy learning about the animals and fruit and vegetable products that are there. All of the vendors love sharing their knowledge and it's a great way to see unique foods and learn how to cook them from the experts but my very favorite part is that I love seeing all the beautiful crafts that can be found there. There is one lady often there that makes beautiful lamps out of recycled glass bottles. It's always amazing to see what new designs she comes up with.

Currently Huggies is bringing selfies to a whole new level of fun with their #UltraHug project. Participating is easy! Simply take a selfie of you and your baby and use #UltraHug and nominate the community project of your choice on Instagram or Twitter. From April 20th until June 25th, 2015, Huggies will be accepting all of these photos and featuring them in a collage on the project page. On July 6th, voting will begin to narrow down the 20 finalists to 10 winners who will receive a $2000 grant from Huggies for their nominated community initiative. Here are a few inspirational ideas to get you started.

Now make sure you go enter your favorite community place or project to win and thank Huggies Diapers at Walmart for the great opportunity! 


  1. Baby hugs are the best. I need a baby to hug.

  2. Great photos! I was just talking to my husband about finding a farmers market around here. I will pass the #UltraHug project on to people with babies still in diapers. Thanks for sharing!

  3. These pictures are so sweet! I'm way past the diapers stage, but this is a great contest!

  4. Aww the photos are precious. I miss my babies w being little. Mine are growing up too fast. :(

  5. This a great contest for those still with kids in diapers. btw, love your photos. Kids melt my heart.

  6. I soooo miss my kids being this age. Everyone says that it goes by in the blink of an eye and you try to listen to them but you don't really understand until you see it happen to yourself!

  7. As you said, time goes by so fast! My kiddos are out of the diaper wearing phase, but it seems like just yesterday I was bringing them home from the hospital! This sounds like a great promo from Huggies and Walmart!

  8. Oh I love this! Anything to hug my babies more :).

  9. We always have a blast at our little farmer's market too. The time does to way too fast - how are my babies now preschoolers??

  10. I miss baby hugs though teenage one aren't bad either.

  11. I always love baby snuggles! Your kids are adorable!

  12. Baby snuggles are so precious! Enjoy! Loved reading your post :)

  13. I'm putting off hugging my baby this morning because I'm commenting on blogs but I think I'll stop for a sec and go hug her now ;)
