September 7, 2017

HVAC For All

If your air conditioner just died on a sweltering summer day or your furnace decides to shut down in freezing temperatures, you are probably looking for a heating and cooling Williamsburg VA repair service. Whether it's an emergency or you are planning a major upgrade, it is worth your time to research several area companies.

Once you narrow down at least three experts, interview each and consider asking the following questions. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather they are enough to get you started on finding the right company.

Are You Licensed, Bonded and Insured?

In most states, there are minimum education and work experience requirements to become a licensed contractor in the heating and cooling profession. Typically, a license is issued after passing a written exam.

In addition to qualifying for a license, HVAC contractors should also have insurance and be bonded. Any contractor bidding to do work in your home should meet or exceed these requirements to protect you against an accidental injury or property damage.

Do You Have a List of References?

Any professional contractor should be able to provide a list of recent customers for you to contact. Call these references for details about the service they received. This enables you to verify if the contractor provided timely and satisfactorily work.

Will You Provide a Written Estimate of Repair Costs?

Installation of a new HVAC system or repairing an old one could cost a lot of money depending on what is wrong. Therefore, you should get a minimum of three written estimates from each contractor.
Costs can vary from one contractor to the next, but this is an important consideration. It is also very important to receive a thoroughly documented estimate in terms of the scope and completion date for the repair or installation project.

Do You Offer a Payment Schedule on Large Repairs?

If your project is a big job, you might be required to make a deposit before the contractor begins. Additional payments as the project progresses may also apply to satisfy the bill. If you have a payment plan, read the fine print so your financial responsibility is clear. Reading the fine print also ensures there are no surprises like hidden fees.

Moving forward, you may want to consider getting a service contract, especially if you are having new HVAC equipment installed. Regular maintenance of your system by an expert helps to improve its efficiency and may also extend its lifespan.

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