September 25, 2017

Tips To Making The Perfect Lemonade

It has gotten cold in Idaho this week. This morning I had to scrape my car windows before I could take kids to school. #sadface Because I'm not quite ready for summertime to end, here's some tips for making the perfect lemonade to get you through a, hopefully, beautiful fall.

  • Start with fresh lemons. I know there are a lot of shortcut ways to make lemonade but there is nothing quite like the real thing. Make sure you take the time to enjoy it.
  • Add some limes. It may seem odd, or maybe you already do this but adding a bit of lime adds a whole new level of flavor to fresh squeezed lemonade.
  • Go light on the sugar. Unless you like really sweet drinks go light on the sugar (or even go without). Good lemons will give you a perfect flavor without the added calories.
  • Skip the ice. While traditional ice may seem like the obvious way to make your lemonade cold I've found that by using stainless steel ice cubes I can preserve the flavor of my favorite lemonade while still getting the cold, refreshing drink that I crave.
  • Add some snacks. I love to have my lemonade with some simple butter cookies or crackers. It's a great way to make that flavor last a little longer.
Now tell me, what's your favorite kind of lemonade? Do you have a secret for making it perfect? Tell us about it. We'd love to try your recipes and/or see some photos of how your spending the little bit of warmth we have left.

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