September 30, 2017

WonderFALL Giveaway Hop - Nellie's $29 value

Welcome to the WonderFALL Hop organized by MamatheFox
We're excited to be here and hope you are too!

Here at the Kerr house fall time means it's time to get lots of things cleaned up and ready to put away until spring. We clean everything from the floors up and although it takes a long time we appreciate it all winter as we deal with the mud and other messes that living on a homestead in Idaho during the winter mean.

This fall we are excited to have Nellie's All Natural products on our side as we accomplish our cleaning. We've recently had the opportunity to try out their Laundry Soda and Stain Stick and so far I am very pleased with how they are working.

The Laundry Soda leaves our wash smelling line dry fresh straight out of the washer which is wonderful! I'm excited to continue using it this winter when line drying isn't an option. I also love how little you need in each load as it means that the amazing stockpile of laundry soap that I need to keep on hand doesn't take up nearly as much room.

I haven't had a real good chance to try out the stain stick yet but the little stains I've used it on are all gone. We had lasagna for dinner tonight tho so I have a feeling that if I go check the kids' clothes that I'll find a great example stain to use it on and get photos so stay tuned.

Today I'm excited to be able to give one of you a chance to try out Nellie's Laundry Soda and Stain Stick. Entering is easy, just use the form below. Happy entering!

WonderFALL Hop
Now that you've entered here at Kerrific Make sure you hop along to the other participating blogs and see what they are giving away!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

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