December 4, 2018

Attempting a New Craft for the Holidays

Those of you who know me know that I love making handmade gifts for holidays. I spend a lot of hours up late, sewing or stitching away, making one of a kind gifts for family and friends. Each year however I like to try something new.

Last year we did fun, vinyl shirts for the whole family which was a blast! I was so pleased with how they turned out and all 20 (yes, 20) were enjoyed and have been worn all year long. I don't have photos of all of these fun shirts but here are the kids. Please excuse the crazy hair as this was Christmas morning. You can probably tell from the pictures but they all have matching pants too. Yes, they were all sewn by me. Like I said, I'm really good at late nights before holidays.

So, what's up my sleeve this year? Well, I can't post photos yet because (hopefully) family is actually reading this but I do want to show you my latest supplies. I just got these paint markers from Acrylico Paint and they are working wonderfully! I can't wait for everyone to see the finished products! If you want to try these out before I get photos of the finished product use code kerrific10 to save 10%!

I'm off to get back to work but happy crafting!

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