March 4, 2011

Naughty Blogger

I have been a naughty blogger this week. However, in the process of not posting like I should we got a few things accomplished.
1. My homework for the week is already done.
2. ALL the laundry is done, folded, and put away.
3. The counter has no dirty dishes sitting on it.
Altogether it was a fairly productive week.

Today and tomorrow I am sewing so make sure you check the shop for new items this weekend. I also have a couple of projects I'm working on for my sister-in-law and cousin who are due this month that I need to get finished and mailed. As soon as I know they have them I will post pictures.

Also as a reminder, we have two great giveaways going on so make sure you enter. Both have very low entries!

Thanks for your support!

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