March 4, 2011

Ready 4 Baby D...Event Announcement

We have announced this before however, we are making some changes.
We had such an overwhelming response from sponsors for our Ready 4 Baby D event that we are extending the dates. That's right! Instead of May 1-8 like we had originally planned Ready 4 Baby D will now continue the entire month of May! We will be having a giveaway a day for all 31 days of May. Make sure you don't miss out as it is going to be an awesome event! You can check out our sponsors today by clicking the page link above. 

Want to receive extra entries into all of these great contests? Here's how:
*2 entries/contest - Post the banner above on your site with a link back here.
*5 entries/contest - Write a blog post about this event (you are welcome to highlight some of our sponsors) and encourage your followers to come check us out. 

To get the extra entries make sure you leave me a link to your site/post below.


1 comment:

  1. new follower GFC as Ginger Sines
    following u on twitter
    grab my button
    please follow me back im new
    also click like for my facebook
    while u r there thanx:)
