March 14, 2011

Snuggy Baby Coupon Code - Last Day!

If you are a new mom or have a little one who loves to play mom then Snuggy Baby is the site for you.

About Snuggy Baby:
I am a work at home mom with a beautiful snuggy baby and one amazing preschooler.  When my first daughter was born, I could not find any place to buy a sling, so I learned how to make them.  I received so many comments and compliments about my slings that I decided that every mom needed to be able to get a sling. So I started Snuggy Baby to make it easier for moms to find beautiful, comfortable slings that they would love.
It didn't happen overnight, in fact, I changed the design of my Ring Sling many times before I came across the perfect balance of fashion and comfort.  This summer, I wore my 20 pound Snuggy Baby for 6 hours straight every week standing on concrete at a local outdoor market.  I still carry my 3 year old around in a sling.  No way I could do this without an extremely comfortable sling.  I built the perfect Ring Sling for myself, and I would love to share it with you.
What started as an idea to offer 6 different patterns of ring slings has grown into a large handmade business with several product lines.  Take a look around.  I hope that you find something that you love.

Snuggy Baby's Products:
Snuggy Baby carries Baby Wraps, Baby Slings, Child Doll Slings, and Wet Bags in many neat colors and designs. 

Disount Code:
Today is the last day to visit Snuggy Baby and use coupon code Kerrificonline for 10% off your entire order.

They have some adorable new products so make sure you check them out!


  1. It was hard for me to find a sling that worked for me when my kids were younger.

    I am a new follower from the Monday blog hop and would love it if you could follow me back! I hope you have a great Monday!


  2. I loved the sling up until my kids were about 3 months, then none of them worked because all of my babies get big really fast so it just hurt my back.

    New follower from the milblog hop. Come check me out at

  3. Cute prints!!

    Following you from the blog hop! Catch me at

  4. Thank you for joining the I ♥ Blogging Hop I am your newest folllower. HAGW!
