March 15, 2011

Tips & Tricks: NICU

For my Child Development class this semester we had to find information on a topic of our choice. As I look toward having Baby D I am concerned about spending time in NICU. Last time I did not handle it very well at all, mostly because I was not prepared. So, here are some tips I want to share with all of you. I hope none of you ever need to use them! At the bottom are some tips for those of you who have friends with children in NICU. I hope these are helpful!

P.S. If you do know someone who has a baby in NICU or you have a baby in NICU make sure you check our our preemie blankets. They are sized to fit in your baby's NICU crib and I will personalize them with your baby's name if you ask. New colors are now in stock or if I don't have what you want I can get it, these blankets are priority and I try to ship them within 2 days.

Tips for Surviving NICU

  • When your baby is in NICU:
    • Take pictures and video for family who can not visit.
    • Get to know the NICU staff.
      • The same nurses are usually assigned to your baby so get to know them. They are willing and wanting to help you in any way they can.
      • Talk to the Doctors. They are there to answer your questions.
    • Ask questions! The more you know about the care of your baby now the better prepared you will be to take them home.
    • Visit at least once a day.
      • Even when you are feeling at your worst it will help not hinder.
      • Try to create privacy for you and your baby.
      • Do as much for your baby during visits as you can.
      • Try to schedule your visits during feeding and bathing time if possible.
      • Hold your baby whenever possible. It is good for both of you.
    • Take care of yourself.
      • Act as if you have a new baby at home and let those around you provide meals, support and babysitters.
      • Watch for signs of PPD as it is more common in NICU moms.
      • Make sure you eat so you can care for your baby.
      • Find a support group if possible. Even if it is just one other NICU mom they can provide the most help and support because they really understand.
    • Celebrate when your baby comes home!
  • If someone you know has a baby in NICU:
    • Do not compare their needs to a full term baby.
      • And do not compare experiences with other hospitalizations.
    • Do not judge the parents reactions.
    • Do not say call me. Find something to help with and do it.
      • Help right then if parents ask, that means they needed it a long time ago.
    • Do not initiate conversations about the what ifs.
      • Do not ask when the baby is coming home.
    • Support NICU moms who are pumping for their babies. This is much harder to maintain then actual breastfeeding.
    • Babysit older children free of charge so mom can visit her baby or nap.
    • Listen carefully when hearing about the babys progress so you can refer back in future conversations.
    • Offer encouragement.
    • Offer a hug.
    • Be aware of older siblings feelings. Know that they are suffering too.


  1. Great tips!

    I stumbled this. My post is

  2. What a great post. I have been blessed enough to never have had one of my babies in the NICU (my 2 month old spent an hour in the special care nursery but thankfully that was all) but I can see where your knowledge would be so useful for those going through the NICU experience.

    I stumbled you, my post is Musings From a SAHM - Sleep, Thrush, Insurance, & Big Families
    Thanks & have a wonderful evening! :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I'm very thankful to not have any experience with NICU, but I know there are so many people out there who would find this information helpful and comforting.

    I'm a new follower from our I Heart Blogging Hop. I'd love it if you'd follow back!


  4. My sis just had a baby in the NICU. My preemie niece spent 3 month there, but she is doing fine.

    I am here from "Wonder Wednesday Blog Hop".

    I follow you on GFC. (Anja M.)
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  5. Our daughter's both sons, spent time in NICU, one for a few days, the other for two months. Your suggestions are great and give encouragement to those who might have to spend time there with a little one.
    I'm a retired RN, so know where you're coming from. God Bless you, You'll do fine!!

    You can check out by blog at :

    Kathy (Oak Lawn Lady)

  6. Such a comprehensive list! I'll be thankful to have access to it when someone needs it. Thank you for the time this took.

    I'm a new follower from bassgiraffe's thoughts.
