August 13, 2015

Kidgets for Budget Kids

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With back to school upon us, it is time to reevaluate the family budget. I can hardly believe that this is E’s last year of school but at the same time I am so thankful that we have almost made it to the end. As we tackle this last year as a family it is going to be extremely important that we stay on top of the budget and keep our debt to a minimum so that as we look toward a future of a new job in a possibly new location we do not have school debt holding us back. That is why I was so excited when Family Dollar asked me to share some information about their value brand, Kidgets.

Kidgets are a great buy for anyone who is counting pennies (and many of those that are not). Kidgets’ diapers not only provide excellent leakage protection for little ones with stretchable sides and a cloth-like outer cover but they also include a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back. There aren’t many brands left that can say that which makes Kidgets truly one of the few. Whether you are buying diapers for one kid or three, Kidgets is a great option that can make a huge difference in your family’s budget situation this school year and beyond.

One last note, the other thing I love about Kidgets is that while I am out picking up these practical diapers I can also grab many of the other things on my list at our local Family Dollar. They have a good selection, are close to home, and are one of the few places where it is actually easy to find what I need. If you have never checked out your local Family Dollar store I highly recommend finding your nearest store and stopping in for a visit soon!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Family Dollar

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