August 13, 2015

Picking the Perfect Name for Your New Business

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Did you know that Kerrific has a big surprise? That’s right! Are you ready …

We’re expanding! Soon you’ll be able to find all of Kerrific’s favorite children’s items at our new storefront. We are so excited about this new adventure and want to share all the fun with you, and we will soon, but first we want to introduce you to some amazing websites that are helping us along the way. For now we want to share some of the things we’ve learned about starting, or expanding, a business. We all know there is a lot to think about but here are some of the items we feel are most important – or at least top priority.
  1. Know what you want to do. For us that means that we want to make all of the products we love and don’t know how we’d live without available to our friends and family in south east Idaho and beyond.
  2. Specialize. For us this means that everything in our store will be for children from birth to age eight and their mothers. We’re excited to be including everything from maternity clothing to basic necessitates for starting kindergarten. It’s going to be a great place for parents and their children. It really doesn’t matter what you choose but make sure it is specific enough that people will know what to expect when they approach your business in person or online.
  3. Make a time plan. One of the hardest things about starting a new business is deciding how quickly you would like to have it up and running. Some people want that date to be tomorrow while others like to have a year or two to plan out all the little details. Whatever works best for you set a goal and stick to it. When you have a goal of when you would like to open your business it becomes easier to set a timeline of goals of how you would like to get things done.
  4. Make a budget. Yes, this is one of the most important things but I put it as number four because a budget is much easier to make if you know what you want to do, how you are going to specialize and what kind of a time line you are looking at completing it on. Budgets very greatly by business but knowing what you need to spend, how much you have currently available, and how you plan to make up the difference is a very important part of making your business successful.
  5. Pick a name. This may seem like a little thing but picking a name is very important because you want something that will last. Pick something memorable. Something unique. You want people to remember your name - make sure it’s different from all the rest. If you’re struggling to find a name then you might find inspiration from Name.Kitchen’s “Iam ______” video series.
  6. Secure a website. Once you have a name one of the first things you should do is buy a website domain. I was just introduced to ‘’ domains and I love how unique they are on the internet. If you are looking for something that will stand out this is an option you should look at. You can find a list of domains being released soon here and then don’t forget to claim your name here once you find the perfect fit.

We hope these tips have helped and would love to hear about your tips, trick, and business success. Feel free to comment below with anything you’d like to share.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Name.Kitchen.

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