I've been waiting very anxiously for F to be ready to potty train and she is just about there. As we get started, here are some of my favorite tips that I learned from the boys. While they are fresh on my mind I figured I would share.
- Try to potty train when it's warm. I like to leave my kids either bare butt or with just undies and it seems a little extra mean to do that during the cold months of winter.
- Set a timer. Yes, we all loose track of time, setting a timer is an easy way to make sure that your child is going potty. When we first start we use the Pampered Chef Clock Timer so I can remind the little one to go potty on a regular basis. Later on we switch to the Itzbeen Personal Baby Care Timer
so I can keep track of how long since they last went and encourage them to go if it's been too long.
- Build a reward system. Every child is different but by this point in your child's life you probably have a pretty good idea of what motivates them. At our house each of our children has had a different reward for successfully using the potty. Some things we have used are treats, stickers, and "potty dances". All can be fun!
- Plan to stay home. For many of us this is the hard part but if you can plan 3-7 days to stay home with your child during the beginning of this time things will go a whole lot smoother. Simple things like automatically flushing toilets and bathrooms that aren't conveniently located can throw a wrench in the best potty training techniques.
- Invest in a stool that works. This is the one piece of equipment that you shouldn't go without. Everyone has different opinions on small potty chairs vs. potty seats for the big toilet but at some point your child will transition to a regular toilet and having a good stool is an important part of that transition. At our house we have used the Little Looster
with great success.
You should also enter to win this potty training prize package from Pampers by filling out the form below. Good luck!
This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Pampers.
I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
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