December 8, 2012

I'm Getting Zoobies for Christmas!

If you're still in search of that one last toy for your child's Christmas make sure you check out Zoobies!
Zoobies are one of my very favorite holiday gifts. I love Zoobies for so many reasons but mostly because they are a big mom help! We don't travel much, I just don't have the energy, but we do like to go visit Grandma and Grandpa which is about an hour drive for us. Usually when we go it's just the kids and me so our Zoobies are a huge help. I love that when we're going for the day I just have to have to tell the kids to get one thing and they're ready to go. We usually travel during nap time or after bedtime and because each of my older kids has a Zoobie they can get in the car and take naps (aka be quiet) while I drive.
Little boy with Zoobies frog
This year its D's turn for a Zoobie gift and I am in love with the fun frog they sent. The big boys have the alligator and the tiger which have both been awesome and this one is no different. As you can see the boys love these and they are the perfect size for my boys!
Little boy with Zoobies frog and blanket
If you don't have a Zoobie for each of your children head on over to check them out. You can also enter to win a Zoobie of your very own using the for below. Good luck!
  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i love these! i want to get one for my son this year.

    1. These are some of the best gifts I've ever gotten my kids! The biggest problem is figuring out which one to get because they're all so cute!
