April 8, 2014

Perrigo Nutritionals & Reducing Stress

It's that time of year again. Finals for hubby, spring allergies, pregnant mama, it's still snowing in Idaho and this mama is stressed to the max! It hits every year and seems like there is nothing that I can do but I know that isn't really true either.

Recently, Perrigo Nutritionals sent me a copy of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine as part of a great gift pack of children's snack foods. This amazing book features nine doable strategies to stress less and enjoy life more. It had some great tips that I am excited to integrate into my life this spring! The chapters in the book include:
  1. Stop Trying to Do It All
  2. Say Yes to the Best
  3. If You Aim at Nothing, You'll Hit It Every Time
  4. Discipline Is Not a Bad Word
  5. Be Intentional with Your Bank Account
  6. Manage the Home Front
  7. When you Feel Like a Failure
  8. Yes, You Can Make a Difference
  9. Sometimes It Is About You
I know these seem like simple statements, yet very complicated things to do but the book really does have some great ideas on how to make these things happen. Some of my favorite tips in the book were about budgeting. This is something I was blessed to have a good system for when I got married, thanks to my Dad, and I love the tips Crystal gives because most of them are ones that I already use and know work.

Having a good budget system is essential to reducing stress in our family. It means that I can get my family the food and other essentials they need plus pay my house payment every month without stressing even when E is in school full time and we have no regular income coming into the home. Yes, a budget means that we use store brand products, like those from Perrigo Nutritionals sold at Walmart and Target, and don't often do things like go out to dinner or to the movies but we enjoy our time as a family and we love knowing that our bills will be paid each month.

If you want some great tips for de-stressing your life than this book is certainly for you. And, while you're out shopping, make sure you check out the Perrigo Nutritionals brands and see if they are a good stress saving solution for you and your family.

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