April 10, 2012

FertiBella Review

One of our greatest joys in life is our children. We are super excited to announce that we will be adding another child to our family this fall.

In trying for our new baby we were super excited to be able to review FertiBella. They sent us a kit with two months worth of supplements and 20 pregnancy tests.

The only thing I didn't like is that the pills seemed a bit large to me, but then again I have a hard time swallowing any pill. Other than that it seemed to work great! We were able to conceive quickly and the tests worked well too. We are super excited to be able to share this great product with you so make sure you head over to win your own two month kit during Oh Baby Baby.


  1. Yay congrats! I'm also one that doesn't like big pills. Glad this helped you and your pregnant now. Join the huge pool of pregnant bloggers.. :)

    1. This TTC Kit was a Godsend! Highly recommend!

    2. Me too! I got pregnant in my first month after unsuccessfully trying for 8 months on my own.

    3. Just ordered this! I've been ttc for 18 months. Wish me luck!

  2. AWESOME! Congrats on your new addition, how exciting! This product is the main reason why I'm entering. I'm not big on pills in general but I've heard positive things about them.

  3. This is a little late but I love Fertibella I got my BFP this past Friday not even done with month 1 pills I love it but I still want my ugg booties :) Congrats by the way

  4. Awesome! I have been ttc for 9 months... am getting anxious. I was thinking of trying a supplement like fertibella. It's good to hear that people are having success with it. It can be so depressing when you're faced with wondering if you should get more tests done or just try to DIY with one of the products on the market. I think I will give it a go.

  5. I just got my BFP (in month 2)!! Highly recommend this kit!

  6. Omg - where can I get this?????

  7. Did anyone try this to treat PCOS? If so, did it work? How long? Thx.

  8. I hope this will help me get pregnant fast. I was on depo for 2 years and now it is hard as hell to conceive! Has anyone had experience with this?

  9. That's cool that they send you 2 months at once. I was on fertilaid before but i kept forgetting to reorder my pills on time, so i messed it up. I also like all the stuff that this one comes with. I might try again.

  10. To answer a question up above - Yes, I tried FertiBella as a treatment for PCOS. I started to notice subtle changes to my cycle in the first month - for instance, my bleeding wasn't as heavy or as long as usual... by the second month I had as normal a period as anyone could have. The cramping and mood swings were pretty much nonexistent - which was a first for me! I was able to get pregnant in month 4, which is comparatively long from what I've read, but my hormones were really out of whack - so I consider it a hugely successful fertility treatment.

  11. Is the free trial still available?

  12. 20 pregnancy tests?!!! That's amazing! Sign me up! I saw a box of preg tests for $16.99 at the store. Surely they must be smoking! I'd rather get the freebies and put that $17 in the bank toward my baby fund. :)

  13. Yes - I just ordered a free trial at www.fertibella.com with 10 free OPKs and 10 free pregnancy tests! :D

  14. My friend had both of her children using Fertibella. The first one took 3 cycles, but the second one only took 1! This product rules!

  15. What a great giveaway!! I had always wanted to try something like this, but was always a chicken about ordering it online. If it arrived right to my doorstep, then I would HAVE TO give it a whirl!

  16. I'm on bottle #1! I hope this works!

  17. I heard that Fertibella works on 9 different causes of infertility... I hope mine is one of them! I just started on my trial last week.

  18. Just got my trial!!!! Woot! So excited! I like that they send the first two bottles bc I would totally forget to reorder in time. It sounds like most women get preg within 4 months. That's a lot better than the "7-10 months" my pregnancy book said is the AVERAGE. Good luck to all you other women who are ttc.

  19. I love fertibella! Got my BFP in the 3rd month! All told, it cost me less than $100 to get pregnant naturally. YAY!

  20. JUST GOT MY BFP MONTH 2!!!!!!

  21. do this stuff really work? i am ttc after a miscarriage. i am afraid birth control pills goofed up my hormones. i am hoping this product can help me. i want a baby so bad.

    1. I just read that 85% of women who have a miscarriage go on to become pregnant. ( http://www.conceiveeasy.com/get-pregnant/pregnancy-after-miscarriage/ ) So the odds are in your favor! What kind of bc were you on? I know depo messes with your hormones pretty bad. Good luck w/ the supplement!

  22. Cool review. Have you seen that there are new "Conceive Easy TTC Kits by Fertibella?" In addition to the supplements and free ovulation/pregnancy tests, you also get a free basal body thermometer and chart! It's awesome! I love charting my cycles... it gives me a feeling of greater control. I'm also reading that book - Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It takes away some of the stress in TTC.

  23. Omg!! I just order my kit. I'm praying that It works after trying for 2 1/2 years. Wish me luck ladies

  24. I'm currently 15days in to taking fertibella month 2 hope I get my bfp this month

  25. I have been ttc for quite some time now! I have had my kit for about three weeks now. I have seen a huge change. For starters about two weeks after my period I got A POSITIVE ovulation test. I was so excited I didn't know what to do. I have had regular cycles but over the past 6 months its changed from a 28 day cycle to a 35 day sometimes plus cycle. I'm praying this works for me! BABY DUST TO EVERYONE :)

  26. I started fertibella 7days ..im praying to God it works....i read so much success stories hoping i could b adding mines as well
