February 21, 2011

C Update

C is also doing well with therapy.

Speech - Mrs B has finally gotten through! C used to just sit quietly and look at Mrs B during therapy but in the last month he has started responding to her. We still have A LOT of grunting but he is learning signs and loving it. I love that he can tell me when he's hungry, thirsty, or all done too.

Occupational - Mrs A is doing a wonderful job. The problem we have is that she has so much work to do. C did however take his first steps this week so we are excited to tell Mrs A today! We are also working very hard on C's eating skills. He's doing so much better but is still very specific about cups and certain foods. Hopefully we can get this fixed by March when he goes to nursery.

Physical - C also got a PT evaluation this month. She said he is behind but Mrs A is doing all the right things. We also got a few more tips on how we can help and with them he is showing greater progress already.

We are so grateful for the Infant and Toddler program. Thank you to all you wonderful therapists who work so hard to teach mom's like me how to help their kids!

Tomorrow, A pregnancy update!


  1. It's always nice to have things work out

    Happy tumble Tuesday http://booksyourkidswilllove.blogspot.com/2011/01/feed-newsflesh.html

  2. You must be an amazing mom to have such special kids! I admire your positive attitude and desire to learn how to best help your family!
    You are in my prayers...God bless you all!
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  3. I'm visiting from the blog hop and read your About Me page. What a lovely family and congrats on D being due in June! This is nice that you keep up with C's progress here on your blog. Glad all is going well! Blessings!
