February 18, 2011

Two Little Cavaliers: Therapy Dogs Could Be A Part of School Curriculum

Two Little Cavaliers: Therapy Dogs Could Be A Part of School Curriculum: "As animal lovers and owners we all know that having our special friends around can help reduce stress and make us all happier. Are school's catching on to allow the use of therapy dogs on a daily basis. This idea isn't novel to allow dogs to be daily fixtures in school in fact many private schools across the country allow Headmaster or Headmistress dogs on campus and the students love it. ..."


  1. Aw dogs should be!!

    I'm following you from Surfin Saturdays. Hope you'll visit back :)


  2. Aren't they already? I know some schools that implement this. For more information you can give us a woof at http://www.naturalk9supplies.com/
