February 3, 2012

A Dentist Visit

It is almost time for another dental visit for the boys and I've been trying to decide when to schedule their appointments. In the past I have made their appointments after lunch but before naps so that they could come home and go to bed and forget about everything that happened. (I also do this with the doctor, especially if I know we are getting shots or tests.)

Now that the boys are getting older however, I am beginning to wonder if I can do their appointments at a different time of day. This becomes a big concern because I have class every day at nap time and if I want to have the appointments before school gets out I have to do it at a different time.

The other question we have been pondering is how often it is appropriate to take your children to the dentist. I know my mom used to take us once a year and the dentist recommends two times a year.

What do you think? Do you have a special time you like to take your kids to the doctor? Do you take them all at once or one at a time? And how often do you go? We'd love to hear what you think!

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog  for sedation dentistry nashville and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.


  1. Hmm, well, how old are they now? A sudden change in schedule can be jarring, especially if it's something like a visit to the dentist. It would be wise to check and see how they handle themselves first. Go to your dentist with them like always and decide what to do next time.

  2. Nice Post..Dealing with four smaller parts of the mouth, kids will be more likely to concentrate on all the surfaces. Stress the backs of the teeth, as this is where a lot of cavities occur due to lack of care. Also make sure that you are providing a soft bristled brush that is comparably small for your child's mouth. It may seem fine to provide a regular adult sized toothbrush, but the size will not allow for proper angles to reach especially the back teeth.
