July 10, 2011

BluGrass Review & Giveaway

About Blu Grass:

Hi, my name is Paula, I am a mother of a beautiful boy and very lucky to be a stay at home mom with a great passion for designing, architecture and crafting. I was raised in a family with great crafting talents and since early age I started to create things, I love making cards and this year I wanted to try something different and that’s why I opened my BluGrass shop at Etsy with invitations and announcements. Is being a challenge because I’m not a graphic designer, I’m an architectural drafter but I love and enjoy doing any kind of designs, from designing a room to a piece of card. It is my passion.
I’ve never been happier. I’m glad to share my passion with all of you and I hope to see you soon at BluGrass.

My Thoughts:

BluGrass has some adorable card designs and i love that you can print them at home. This is a perfect way to get your cards and invites done without paying an arm and a leg.

BluGrass has agreed to give a free card to one Kerrific reader. To enter please use the form below. 
Or if you can't wait use the coupon code KerrificBlu10 for a 10% discount!


  1. My fave card giving occasion has to be New Years (also my fave holiday)!! For us new years is a time to think about those you have touched you in the past year, and also to look forward to goals and wishes for the next year!

  2. fave: valentine's day
    deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com
