Dr. Lindquist is a Board Certified and licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in high conflict couples and trauma therapy for individuals. She is a Master Coach in the Bridge Coaching Institute. Her private practice has been in Laguna Beach for more than 30 years where she is part of a group of independent practitioners. She has written a book, Happily Married with Kids about how to be in the 33% of couples who grow closer and happier after kids and avoid being in the 67% who are much more unhappy or divorced. She has trained numerous therapists and published many papers on assertiveness, domestic violence and social skills training. She lives with her husband and raised her sons in Laguna Beach, California. Yes she is happily married but remembers, marriage can be very hard work sometimes. She believes working through the tough times – or just surviving – gives you a chance to look at yourselves, grow as individuals and reconnect around your strengths and the things you love about each other. Living through tough times can lead to the best and happiest part of your life.

Here, finally, is a guide to help you make a smooth transition from partnership to parenthood while preserving intimacy.
With check lists, tips and how-to’s in every chapter, the author reveals what you can do to protect and work through normal problems to make your marriage feel better.
Dr. Carol describes many ingenious ways for couples to grow closer, savor their sex lives, cultivate a loving village, and even how to argue so they can build a warmer, more loving marriage.
My Thoughts:
I am about half way through Dr. Carol's book Happily Married With Kids and already I wished I would have had it 3 years ago. I've always had a hard time putting my emotions into words, especially when I am upset, and she does a great job of helping me understand what I have felt over the past three years. My favorite part however, are the simple ideas she gives couples about how they can fix the problem. There is no major, you have to do this right now and everything will be perfect, it's simple steps and things you can to together and as a couple to help you be "in love" like you want to be. I can't wait to finish reading this book so I can hand it over for E to have a turn. This would also be a great baby shower gift for any young mom, or even a great gift for the mom the second or third time around.
You will want to check out Dr. Carol's website HERE and make sure you're following her on Facebook and Twitter in preparation for our Spa for Ma event, and to get great tips on how to strengthen your marriage post kids.
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