So I don't really know how to start this, so I am going to dive right in...
I grew up an Air Force brat with a mother who loved to do all sorts of crafts. You name it and she did it! She taught me alot about being creative. Now I am a PROUD Air Force wife and a mother of 1 girl and 1 boy. We are stationed overseas at the moment at if you are not in the military it is hard to find a job over here.
Anyways being over here has opened the creative side in me all over again. Our BX is super small and hardly carries anything, and if they do you better get it that day or it will be GONE the next day!
One day I was sitting in the house bored with my daughter while my husband was at work. I asked him if I could use a pair of his old fatigues in order to create something. Of course, he said go ahead. MAN, was I crazy happy to have something to do. Since we live on one paycheck spending money on anything but the neccessities are a BIG "no-no" so I started creating things out of items I had at home. Friends started wanting some of the items I was making..so I was in business..LOL. Needless to say, my husband's old fatigures happened to be my favorite. Now everything I make has to have a little touch of military in it. I went to the store about a week after and someone told me my daughter's hair accessory was "cuteness" hence MILITARY CUTENESS.
Thank you so very much for taking the time to get to know a little more about me.

So I knew I had to find the perfect shop to feature in Independence Day. When I found Military Cuteness it was perfect. As a daughter of the "Army Man" and a military wife, though E has since decided to do other things with his life, I can understand her need to show support. I love what she has done with the uniforms and think it is an awesome way to support your country and service men and women. Please check out her shop HERE as you celebrate today!
*Disclosure: The ideas and opinions expressed are my own. I was not paid or compensated in any way.
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