About Healthy Options:
The wife’s story… This all natural lifestyle started many years ago while the children were just toddlers and in seeing all natural was a better way to live, I ventured out and played with cold processed soaps and had a lot of fun as this was a hobby, in that marriage I seriously considered a business plan, but it was not reciprocated or encouraged, it was actually very discouraged. So, all my hobbies in all natural soap making and bath and beauty products remained just that, a hobby and a lifestyle that only I could enjoy. I desperately wanted to share with everyone the benefits of living healthy or green. That passion continues to live today. So as I was unable to develop a business and make persons aware of the conscience side of their actions and the impact of their health, I did what some would say, the next best thing. I went to Nursing School, I became a Licensed Practical Nurse in 2004, I attended North Florida Community College. I set out to change the world one patient at a time. Nursing is not at all what I had anticipated, but I pushed forward and in my daily dealing with patients encouraged them to “do the necessary research” for whatever their ailments were. I still do that to this day. I have to digress and tell a sweet story, as a new nurse many years ago I remember taking care of a certain person, although it isn’t the patient I remember, it is the family member. We somehow got on the all natural subject, as I love to talk about it, encourage it. So the patients wife was complaining (not derogatory) about a rash or irritation that had occurred on her body somewhere, I do not even remember the part. So I suggested to her to try Tea Tree Oil, to her description, that is what I would recommend, I told her “go to walmart, it costs $4.00” I even told her what shelf to find it on. She has already been to numerous doctors and spent who knows how much money on this “rash”. Patient was discharged and never heard back from either one of them. Approximately 4 or 5 years later, I of course work at the same place, this sweet little lady approached me in the hallway, and said to me “your Chasity” I replied yes “ma’am” as she gives me this huge hug and states, “you may not remember me, but you told me about Tea Tree Oil, many years ago, and I am very thankful” as we chatted about that wonderful conversation so many years ago. That only encouraged my passion to push forward to educate persons of natural living, and there are other possibilities available to healthcare, and to become your own healthcare advocate! Medical doctors play their part, but we are all in this together. I have continued to go to school in the hopes of one day finishing my RN, I will finish that part after I allow the husband to get his side of the story in.
The husband’s side… I started realizing that there might be a better alternative when as a Combat Support Military Police Officer I would get deployed and have to buy the cheapest soaps, talcum powders (for both feet and body) and live day to day in the same clothing and footwear never quite winning the battle of smell and ailments. I have also lived with eczema all my life and knew that I had to buy soaps and shampoos without a whole lot of perfumes, and other things that make you smell good especially when you get deployed. I knew that some of those things that were issued/bought were not the best for your body, but I didn’t realize just how bad until I read some of the ingredients and there were A LOT of warnings of ill side effects, disclaimers, and other ‘be forewarned’ statements. After one deployment I went to see the Base Doctor for a fungal infection. The doctor told me that he was going to prescribe a medication however; if I drank any alcohol, then it would “possibly kill my liver”, “ oh and be aware of the multiple possible side effects, like death”. The medication was that toxic to me. Needless to say, I didn’t take it and continued fighting it with over the counter creams and powders. It wasn’t until I met Chasity and she made me aware of the benefits of Tea Tree essential oil as an antifungal that I became a believer. The rest well, is history.
Chasity and I were on break from school fall of 2010 and we had been making our own laundry soap for quite some time, never perfect, but it cleaned well, smelled good, and the best part was that it was cheaper than any other commercial detergents. As we were driving to ride the Dragon’s Tail in Deals’ Gap TN, I asked her if she had ever thought about making soaps and other bath products on a larger scale and opening a business. She told me the story of when she used to make soaps before, and we decided to look into what it would take to make it on our own. We had a terrific trip, saw the possibilities in our products that were still being thought of, and we have given it our all and will continue to. We make the best of what we are given, never regretting what we have done together and our motto is “It’s not just a marriage, it’s an adventure!”
So are we “qualified” to do what we do? We would say YES, we have done the research to opening a business and it is a trial and error effort, we have lots of family and friends who support us in this life changing event. Although we do not possess a fancy degree in whatever field some would declare beneficial, although, we do value education and realize it is needed. WE have pushed our children to stay in school, go to college and “become productive members of society.” Just as we have both done, which takes me to tell you the eminent events leading to this crazy idea of opening our own business, Christian briefly touched on it.
In 2008, we both opted for a better chance at life to further our own education and since there was a proclaimed “nursing shortage” we went back to get the necessary required credits for our RN core, for 2 long yrs we worked day and nite, tirelessly to go to school, work a full time job and still raise the children at home, we had all of the children at home at one time or another throughout this 2 yrs time span. In October 2010, we completed all necessary core education credits to be allowed to look into RN programs, that fall we planned a much needed getaway to ride our motorcycles on Deals Gap in Tennessee, we did just that. But while away with a whole week to do nothing, as I told you before, we cannot do “nothing” very well. We have finished our core, and opted to take one year off of school, before considering another venture into the educational force for the RN program is another at best 2 year program. We have not totally excluded the return of school for business, we are taking a break to do what we have become to love, we will both return in due time!
We talked about this business (ad)venture, well here we are today, writing this “about us” so we can hopefully resign our other jobs and just completely educate people about the importance and ease of all natural or as close to all natural living as possible. In order to help people, we have some solutions to this all natural problem, it is either 1.) Too Expensive. 2.) Unattainable, to get the items needed, meaning fast lifestyles enable us to be not so healthy. 3.) Uniformed consumers, the media says it is safe to consume commercial products, and they are readily available, so most assume they are safe. We are hoping to become a solution to these problems, such as our products are not expensive for the quality you will be receiving, we package in smaller quantities, because we are not a huge manufacturer with no concerns toward the consumer. We care about people. We also want our consumers to be informed, we have a blogspot to encourage people to read, be active in your needs as a consumer and pay attention to your body and what it may be telling you! WE are located 24/7 on the World Wide Web.
So here is the skinny of it all,
We are in business to educate people about the healthy side of natural living or as close as possible to make persons aware of the harmful side effects of commercially produced bath and body products. To empower persons to be their own healthcare advocate and not rely solely on what the social media says is good for you. Do the necessary research for yourself. Get informed. To offer a financially competitive solution to these problems by creating a bath and body line, baby line, and (pet and hair line coming soon) that is in our circle of values. In order for us to pass this on to the health conscience minded community, at a reasonable price. Even if you do not purchase our products, but you have read one of our articles, subscribed to our newsletter or tried one of our suggested all natural remedies, then we have succeeded in what we have set out to do!
Christian & Chasity Corriveau
My Thoughts:
I must admit I am much like Christian. I know there are healthier ways to do things but I don't have the time or energy to figure it out. After talking to, and reading articles written by Chasity, I feel like I CAN make healthier choices for my family. We absolutely
loved the sample basket we were sent. I am so excited to be able to share these products with those I love for Christmas, birthdays, and baby showers in the future.
One of my very favorite things was the Tiny Hiney Diaper Cream. B & C both get horrible
diaper rashes that blister and become infected, that's really another story, but I will say that when we used the Healthy Options diaper cream it cleared the diaper rashes within 2 days (we'd tried prescription
creams and the rash would last over a month).
As a pregnant woman I also love to relax in a hot bath and Healthy Options salts were awesome! Because they are natural it sometimes bugged E that I had "black stuff" (lavender
) in the bath, but it helped me feel so much better and got me through some really long days.
I left my favorite for last. The Tiny Hiney Hand & Body Creme was a incredible! My hands get so dry and cracked during the spring that they often bleed. This was doubly frustrated by my being pregnant. This creme works so well I'm still having to pinch myself every time I use it. I only but the creme on once a day (right before bed) and it is the only lotion I have to use. My hands have not cracked at all since I started using this. E has also used it on his hands after working with potting soil all day and having hands full of slivers. It has amazing healing properties! I also love the slight lavender scent because it is not overpowering but is soothing at bedtime.
I highly recommend you check out
Healthy Options today. Don't order just one. Also, we will have a great giveaway from Healthy Options tomorrow!
*Disclosure: This product was provided to me at no charge by the company for a fair and honest review. The ideas and opinions expressed are my own. I was not paid or compensated in any other way.
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